Archived News
FEB 2006
Updated a few aspects of the site. It's still in
transition, so bear with me. And please report any malfunctions
with the site to
Feb 06
So much news today, what to start with.
First of all, check out the new site design! It was done by E,
especially for us. Much love and kudos and gratitude to E, for
all her help and support. This is the first page up, and more
will be added sooner and later on other pages. It's our aim to
make a cohesive theme for the entire site.
There is an addition to the site: The Hall of Ghosts.
It is a place where all banned or kicked persons will be written
up. Luckily, at the moment, very few people are relegated there,
and I hope that no more will be. But if you have questions about
actions I or another moderator has taken, please look there, it should
explain everything.
There have been some other minor updates: I want to thank Apis
and Rai for making banners for the site. Those will be available
shortly. Also, I have been thinking about things that could
be added to the site to enhance enjoyment, or clever little
things. If any of you have anything you'd like to see permanently
hosted in an accessible place, please e-mail me, and I'll consider
putting it up.
The Court's servers are doing very well--we're using very little of our
disk space or bandwith, even with the relatively heavy traffic over the
last month or so. Room to grow, my friends. ;-) I'm
considering adding a gallery for artists, and perhaps a few other
23 Jan 06
Site Update
D, or Donavun, has given me permission to give out his military e-mail
address to those who wish to write him overseas. We might also
want to think about care packages for our friend. Please contact
me at either
Unfortunately, due to sadly foreseen circumstances, the Lurker Script
for the Waystation has been removed from the site.
Welcome to everyone who's chosen this place as their new home.
01 Jan 06
(as posted in the defunct blog)
Opening Day
Today, the Court becomes
and all that jazz. Check back here for all relevant updates, as Court
related materiel will not be posted on my personal LiveJournal.
As some of you may know, a
years back, a very dear friend of mine set up a place called the Court
of Worlds. It was a group effort, and much loved. Threads and
characters came out of that place that are still being played today.
Unfortunately, it had to be closed in much too short a time.
It has been a dream of mine
for the
last few years to bring it back. After all, the place we have been
using was not -for us-, those refugees from the Dragon’s Inn all those
years ago. The owner did not seem to be too interested in the players,
or the chatroom itself, which I felt was always a shame. Because of
that, many people felt that there was no protection from harassment or
OOC feuds.
Late last year, I decided it
time to try. I purchased the domain name, and found
hosting. Though I have been and continue to be very busy indeed, the
site itself is in working order, fresh and new and ready to be used.
That said, it is also in its infancy. There are errors, and lack of
information, and things that are unclear. Don’t hesitate to let me
know, and we’ll make it better together.
While there are individuals
that I
hope will respect that I would prefer them not to participate, this is
by no means an exclusive place. It is for everyone’s enjoyment. One
request I must make is that any old drama not be brought to the Court.
Unless there is a very viable reason, for which you can provide proof,
for your problem with another person, they are as welcome as you are.
Peace is the order of the day.
There are rules, of course.
few, and most of those you will find familiar as ‘unwritten’ rules of
earlier sites, including the old Court and Mylanders. I find that these
rules are conducive to enjoyable and exciting role-play, and I hope all
of you will understand and abide by them.
-This- Court is a little
than the old. Please read the Book of Hours and understand the
background. Very little except basic concepts still apply. While I
appreciate and salute the work that went into the original, I feel it
would be little more than theft and a kind of digital necromancy to
bring the old Court back in detail. It was appropriate for its time and
purpose, but that was years ago. This is a new place, with a new owner
and a new direction.
All that said, I hope that
you will
enjoy being here with us.
If you wish to ask questions
make suggestions, please post a thread here.
Please refer any questions or suggestions to
This site designed by E. 